Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Would of, should of, could of!

Talent is Talent.
As is;  a Gift a Gift.
It's not the packaging or the price.
It's the thought, and the message,
The delivery, the timing, and the reason.

It's not really whether you can sing, or
if you're great at spoken word.
It's the language not the words;
Dr. Suess impacted lives, and will live
longer than any of his followers.
but who really knows the meaning of his words?

Express yourself anyway, and every way
you can.
Originality is becoming antique, even extinct.
Don't follow the crowd, lead out loud!
Let your story be told,
It's time to be bold.

The treasure to  one's ears, could be garbage to anothers',
Everything is worth writing down!
Every success story began with a map with no roads,
or full of dead ends, and detours,
there are no short cuts!

Take your dreams out of the garage, clean them up, and show them off!!

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