Tuesday, October 21, 2014

It's All About You!

 One of my first jobs was a "work where needed" Dairy Queen employee. I remember over my manager's desk was a sign which stated; "This is not Burger King, you get it my way or you don't get it at all!" Of course no one could read it but the staff members ourselves. I kept that job 3 years, and learned every area of the store, until I went to cosmetology to pursue my hearts desire.

As a stylist; over my managers' area, was a sign which stated, "A satisfied client will tell her best friend, an unhappy client will tell everyone they meet!" Both of these managers were very good at what they did, but their concepts were obviously very distant from each other. 

 With todays social media, it would go viral how good, or bad your service, or product was. It's very important to remember everything reflects on you. Establish relationships with your clientele, after all you cannot, and will not make it in business without them. Even when the customer isn't right, the customer is always right! Or You will be left!


  1. Norma,
    I enjoyed this post. Good advice! The idea behind your blog is to give encouragement to those striving for their dreams, is that correct? Reading about the entrepreneurship behind Johnny Cupcakes was pretty inspiring.

    Have you heard of Chandler Bolt, the entrepreneur who wrote 'The Productive Person'? He helps people obtain maximum productivity through hacks and other tricks. You should check it out! Maybe it can give you some more inspiration for your blog!

  2. Thank you Shannon, no I haven't heard of Chandler Bolt, but I will certainly take the time to check him out.
    Yes I know we can get so tied up in the survival game of life, we tend to let our dreams fade out, or put them on a back burner. We have to keep pushing through, the hard times, and the tough times, and try to maintain balance. God will provide all we need, and we can obtain our every desire along the way!
